Do you get the feeling the British government isn’t doing us any good?

  • The banned psychoactive substances, but not tobacco.
  • They make shops cover up the cigarettes shelves, but alcohol is on full display (and in reach of kids).
  • They claim to be working for greener future, yet pollution in London is rising (and killing).
  • They nod head to towards war on drugs, but remain impotent as corruption/collusion exists at high-level.
  • They push for private healthcare but still trade off the public’s emotional attachment to nhs.
  • They implement tax laws that crush 1000’s of small businesses, but help large corporates.
  • They claim to get tough on crime, yet some gangs exist with no challenge to their activities.
  • They sell off revenue departments to private companies.
  • They allow property development companies to dictate planning.
  • They have allowed massive investment in London, from highly dubious sources.
  • They have somehow managed to make education system worse since than the 1980’s.
  • They created departments/hotlines for reporting public fraud to councils, though still no accountability of the more worrying fraud/corruption inside councils.
  • They (all parties) constantly and incessantly lie.