Use angular.js with WordPress

AngularJS And WordPress

1. Download zip file.
[wpfilebase tag=file id=1 /]
2. Install and activate the plugin.
3. Set wp-angularjs-include to true in Custom Fields on post edit page.

Sample test code:

  <b>Hello <span style="color:#ff6600;">{{yourName}}</span>!</b>
<div />

Sample test code output (type anything into the input field to see “Hello …” string update:


Hello {{yourName}}!


BDD – Lock the behaviour not the implementation

The example based on sorting sums up BDD testing perfectly (at 4:25).  The beauty of BDD is once you have your given‘s, when‘s and then‘s, you can start mixing up scenario statements to test different possible outcomes.  Or exploratory testing, if it needs a name.

BDD: Is there a difference between programmer and tester?

To automate, you have to code. And if you are automating an application, the logical way to think about it is developing an application to test an application. And to do that from scratch – every time – would be laborious, and unnecessary as there are many common web features. This kind of thinking has been around in software development for decades – to program with reuse in mind. Continue reading

It’s not like the good old QA days …

I am starting to think those of us who grumble about misuse of term “QA” (Quality Assurance) are maybe in the realms of grumpy old men/women. I now beginning to realise that yes, people use the term far too loosely without thinking it through. But more is expected of the tester these days, than simply testing – and those expectation do fall within the realm of Quality Assurance. Quality Assurance and Testing used to be distinct areas, though testing came under the overall remit of a QA manager, as it’s a quality gateway task. Continue reading

Quality Assurance

Let me set something straight. Quality Assurance (QA) is about improving the process that is used to create the end result. In other words (in software development) the project lifecycle and all it’s inherent processes. The wikipedia defintion is not that bad, so there is no excuse for rebranding of QA as purely about testing (though testing processes do come under QA remit). To misunderstand what Quality Assurance probably means you don’t really understand what testing is about either. In other words, leave it to the experts. I realise saying we need to QA this product sound vaguely more exciting than we need to test this product. Reason being is that most people don’t get what it is anyway. Mysterious – hence, cooler.

Incremental Automation

Firstly, it is pervasive problem that too many people talking at length about Agile and testing that haven’t a clue what they are on about. The invasion of fashionable buzzwords to make the mundane sound more exciting, has become a tedious norm. There is much bandying about of “Lean” recently, with no consideration of the skills required to implement such projects. That’s an aside, but relevant also to automation. The word “automation” excites managers, as it implies efficiency.  What it also implies is a possible nightmare.
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Why the good testers disappeared

… and why they shouldn’t have. It is relatively easy to see when and why some form of disillusionment occurred in testing world, after a few years of increasing hype around it. There were many healthy discussions around a tester’s place on modern Agile projects, and increased focus on test automation skills. It was when the context-driven school of testing put it’s hands up and fairly stated it could not be considered relevant. After all, what stays still in software development? The whole evolution is based on learning from mistakes, and improving programming. It is an interesting time, because once again testing has to reclaim it’s position, in the new surge of “testing is dead” mantras. Continue reading