
I thought it was generally understood that lifespan on the web is pretty transitory. Yes, there are a few stayers such as delicious, flickr, twitter, facebook, etc. But as myspace proved, there are no guarantees. What people seem to struggle to relinquish is the pointless quest to find the one web service that will do everything they want. And so the google plus … firstly, its nothing new – better usability and some fancy features, but it’s reinvention (the foundation of the www), slick marketing and of course the usual ramp of twitter celebrities plugging it. Its tedious – what is wrong with spreading yourself amongst many services – there are plenty of ways to combine and deliver your data in variety of ways. Maybe the real issue is education, not simply providing more of the same, in prettier packages, google!

Google Plus do offer features to integrate into, and pull in data from, other networking sites. Cross-posting is useful, but largely helps the cross-posting web service provider’s website statistics. Again, cross-posting is nothing new – just another site to add to the list. Aggregators are best way – simply services to pull in data you enter on websites into one area. Now some backwards web services don’t offer decent API or even RSS feeds of your activity. They won’t last long. This is basically just to say think carefully before diving into google plus – I have a feeling you will just end up disappointed – again.

Now lets see if a day goes by without multiple people declaring “death of twitter” or “death of facebook”. Of course they will die out – and so will google plus.

Social & Professional Networking

Social Networking Disentanglement – it can have a purpose! There is more to the surge of web 2.0 website services, each vying for your information, and your contribution. The hardest thing is to work out who are the “stayers”, and those who are, are bought up by more money-oriented corporations, anxious to exploit their access to so much data.

The best way is to retain control of your data – it makes practical sense to use web services such as and twitter, for their felxibility and practicality, but at the same time you feed in data, you can also extract it anytime you, and merge and mix your social networking data. Provide feeds to others, based on criteria -or import others into your own. RSS has been most popular syndication format for a while, but now there are new formats, each with specific. Below is my personal top 6 to sign up on, and the reasons I have included also.



A short blog, that you can upate from twitter sites, from you email or mobile, and rss feed to syndicate, or import into a site of your own. This was been used in various practical ways – for example in emergency situation. Sending a txt in a situation that demanded immediacy, would more pragmatic way to send alert, than a phone call. Txts are then delivered to that Twitter user subcribers (your family, for example.

delicious – one of the original web 2.0 services. Remained unchanged in style, and inappropriate buyout. Just a good social bookmarking tool.
tumblr TumblrA different style of blogging, with many ways to update asides the standard site method. You can add RSS feeds from your other social networking site subscriptions, but as yet any tools to effectively manage the chronology. Still a fantastic way to quickly and effectively blog.
engagd EngagdMaybe too techie for some – but this site is focussed on APML microformat, and its uses. A future for semantic web is looking likely tied in with some kind of profiling system. A way the user can control this, but not compromise the ease of use. This sevrice is raw, but will generate Attention Proifles, and Attention Item Ranking in APML formats. These are based on feeds you enter against your (free) account.
magnolia Magnolia
linkedin Linkedin

A pure professional networking site, and perhaps the oldest. This is genuine worldwide site, with a long history – recently opened up a little of its “walled garden”, otherwise I am not sure if I would have put it here.