CI = Regression testing

Regression Testing

After reading Rob Lambert’s post of Exploratory Regression Testing, it inspired to think more about regression testing, and what it actually means.  With continuous integration, and development process observing good practices, regression testing could be considered superseded.   Continue reading

HTML5 WebSockets

HTML5 Web Sockets

Up to now, the main buzz around HTML5 has been playing video without javascript (notably AJAX), and the rounded corners.  Hardly felt revolutionary.  But then I came across another interesting feature that HTML5 and compatible browsers could deliver.  Real-time interaction, using websockets.  http only allows one way traffic, i.e. a request and response never happen at the same time, and a response cannot be sent without a request. Because of the speed of response/request traffic is of course beyond our comprehension, we cannot process any other evidence apart from what we see and experience. 
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BrowsershotsBrowsershots offer a nice screen capture service for multiple OS/Browser compatibility tests. A little more chaotic in tryout, in that you enter URL, and load the queue page to look out for yours (amongst other submitters). There is limit of 70 screenshots per domain, before signing up is necessary – though probably worth it as that is free also!

Beware of relying on URL shorteners

shorturlservicesThe worst problem is that shortening services add another layer of indirection to an already creaky system. A regular hyperlink implicates a browser, its DNS resolver, the publisher’s DNS server, and the publisher’s website. With a shortening service, you’re adding something that acts like a third DNS resolver, except one that is assembled out of unvetted PHP and MySQL, without the benevolent oversight of luminaries like Dan Kaminsky and St. Postel.


It is a good point – and my major concern is what happens if/when these services fold?   Though I do steer clear of URL shorteners, I use them frequently in Twitter, due to 140 char restriction.. Important links can be lost if kept using a url shortener service.  Has anyone had bad experience of this?  I think web services sohould follow lead of sites sites as Delicious, who provide their own url shortening service.

rickrolled…. URL shorteners make it way easier to rickroll—I mean, rickroll—your friends. The deeper meaning of rickrolling, such as it is, is that neither the clicking human nor the spidering robot knows what to expect on the other side of the link.

Twitter, URL shorteners, and the transfer of meaning in the link economy

Tinyurl and others addressed the potential weak spot where clickers do not know destination the are clicking to, but adding a preview function.  This invariably lengthens URL, and not foolproof (homepages are not always indicative of site content). I think it is simply time for services like this to evolve (integrating their technology into other web services).

The Worlds Oldest Websites

nexteditorbwThe worlds oldest website is of course, the announcement of the WWW. No longer live, a copy remains on the w3 site.

The World Wide Web project

The WorldWideWeb (W3) is a wide-area hypermedia information retrieval initiative aiming to give universal access to a largeuniverse of documents.

The worlds first browser – Tim Berners-Lee’s original WorldWideWeb browser

This is a list of the first 100 domains.  Interestingly, Microsoft is not on this list ( was not registered until 1991).  Oh for a time machine!

The Bulgarian Web Browser

This browser has received a lot of hype – so much so I thought it was some kind of phishing scam or viral marketing.  Since every reference to it includes phrase “the Bulgarian web browser”, I assume a lot of the hype is where it was developed.  It has been developed in Visual Basic Express, which came as a surprise, given the selection of modern development environments.   So very much a Windows/MAC browser (doubt there will be a Linux version, not if they are using MS for development tools).

It did start blistering quickly, but the important factor is how it performs once it starts up.  All plugins necessary are there and correct, and sites load marginally faster than IE/Firefox.  but struggling to see the point of this browser, beyond have a clean fast browser, with no additional features.  No History, no favourites, but maybe this browser makes more sense in modern web world.  Do I use Favourites?  I don’t need too, I have my social bookmarking sites for that.  Do I need to view History?  Sometimes convenient, but if you are a reasonably organised surfer, this is not needed.

If you are after a fast clean browser, with no features/plugins/add-ons to slow it down, then it is a good functional choice.  But I would recommend the underused Seamonkey, if you are after a cross-OS supported browser, with standard browser features you have come to expect.  Black Label  this is good as any – Lynx principles, with graphical UI (hold on, why haven’t Lynx done that!).

Acid3 – The Web Standards Project

Acid3 Browser Test – The Web Standards Project

Acid3 is primarily testing specifications for “Web 2.0″ dynamic Web applications. Also there
are some visual rendering tests, including webfonts. Here is the list of specifications tested:

  • DOM2 Core
  • DOM2 Events
  • DOM2 Range
  • DOM2 Style (getComputedStyle, …)
  • DOM2 Traversal (NodeIterator, TreeWalker)
  • DOM2 Views (defaultView)
  • ECMAScript
  • HTML4 (<object>, <iframe>, …)
  • HTTP (Content-Type, 404, …)
  • Media Queries
  • Selectors (:lang, :nth-child(), combinators, dynamic changes, …)
  • XHTML 1.0
  • CSS2 (@font-face)
  • CSS2.1 (’inline-block’, ‘pre-wrap’, parsing…)
  • CSS3 Color (rgba(), hsla(), …)
  • CSS3 UI (’cursor’)
  • data: URIs
  • SVG (SVG Animation, SVG Fonts, …)