*Big data is a popular term used to describe the exponential growth, availability and use of information, both structured and unstructured.
Big Data – What Is It?

Unstructured is probably an understatement – it’s quality not quantity. It’s only sales and advertsing who wet their pants with excitement with vast majority of Big Data, as the majority of Big Data is garbage only on use to sales and marketing. On social networking sites for example, there are plenty who will talk about themsleves and their lives to huge extent, because online, people are far less likely to tell you to shut up, unless you are offensive. Desperate is acceptable, as is boring (unless you are a teenager). Social networking has become a effort-whirlpool – I update LinkedIn and Twitter, but even that seems like too much effort. For all the sell of social networking, what does it really do anymore, apart from giving us a different way to communicate with people. Rhetorical question. Hint: it’s another way to communicate with people you know. But most people use it as platform for making statements and pointlessly filling up their timelines, avoiding waking up from a long bad dream.

Why have information in one place, when it can be duplicated a 10000 times in many places? The web demonstrates very effectively how easily information can become corrupted by indirect communication. Take any news story, then (if you can be bothered), read the same story on different websites. Mostly, they are the same, but some cannot resist adding their own additions to the story.

Security Testing

Security Testing

Security Testing is not a mystical art – well, it can be at a real hacker level, but you may be chasing your own tail trying to block all weaknesses.

But you can do a lot to prevent a lot of common website attacks, as there is a lot of software which automates certain types of security breaches.

Overloading page forms is a very easy way, unless you have some basic protections against spamming programs.

I can perform security review of your web application, and more importantly, provide information on how to fix issues, and leave guidance to avoid basic security issues re-appearing.

Test Strategy Example

Test Strategy example

Test Strategy exampleTest strategies are often omitted because no-one ever reads them. And why aren’t they read? well, sidestepping “laziness”, it’s that too often they are unhelpful. So instead of sighing and drumming up something useless, why not generate something useful instead. Click here to view example of a risk based test strategy.
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Tumblr is finally coming of age – when t…

Tumblr is finally coming of age – when the web world went mad on aggregation, and web 2.0 sites took full advantage of using other peoples information, tumblr was already doing it for individuals. http://jaffamonkey.tumblr.com. It provides not only aggregation, but multitude of formats to present that information. I am not going to rewrite their blurb, as it seems pretty self-explanatory!

Tumblr lets you effortlessly share anything. Post text, photos, quotes, links, music, and videos, from your browser, phone, desktop, email, or wherever you happen to be. You can customize everything, from colors, to your theme’s HTML.

Twitter Micro-news Agency

There are now a lot of web apps using the Twitter API – the majority are repetivie search engines, but Microplaza is different.

MicroPlaza looks at your Twitter network and displays all the links shared by the people you follow with associated tweets. Simple, but useful for someone like me, who primarily uses Twitter netowrk for information/links. There must be a lot of Twitter users like this, if you are one, then this is recommended!